Papaya - QBEKA Cosmetic

Do You Know Why Papaya is the God of Perfect Skin?

Use a particular face wash and your face is free of all dead cells. So it’s not so simple. To dissolve the dead cells, the protein in the cells must be broken down. The only effective ingredients to do the job are AHAs or Alpha Hydroxy Acids. This is why many skin exfoliating products contain AHAs. Papaya is the god of perfect skin.
Papain, which in Papaya has similar properties. Then, papaya is a safe and natural, plant-base alternative to chemical exfoliants. To remove dead cells, gently massage papaya pulp on your face for about 5-7 minutes. Moreover, rinse your face alternatively with warm and cold water. Remember not to overdo it though! Papaya is an acidic fruit. So don’t let the mask sit on your face for too long as it might cause dryness and skin irritation.

QBEKA “Organic Plant Moisturizing Hydrating” Skin Care Product Series

Systematically apply to all stages of moisturizing hydrating. Generate bright skin texture from inside to outside to have moisturizing whitening skin.

Skin constantly grow and generate skin texture from inside to outside to appear on the surface of the skin every day.

QBEKA believe that careful nursing is the most important step to have beautiful skin. So lotion and essence are the most important product of skin care. QBEKA collagen series contains “awake beauty essence” and “silk peptide protein ingredient”. the effective ingredients can deeply penetrate to the depths of cutin  to grow plump and tender beauty skin through every day careful nursing.