Skin Dryness

Why Is My Skin So Dry Even When I Moisturize

After moisturizing, there is still skin dryness. At this time maybe you will have doubts that obviously use moisturizing skin products, but still dry. What is the reason?


Q1: Why is the skin dry?

You feel your skin Dry due to a lack of necessary water and oil in the stratum corneum. Sebum secretion, cuticle barrier dysfunction, excessive cleaning, air-drying, sun exposure …

These reasons will lead to dry skin, which has a tight feeling, feel rough, and even be peeling and crumbs.


Q2: The texture of skin care products clearly rich thick, but why not enough moisture?

Texture cannot be used as a measure of whether a product is moisturizing standards. Thus, thick ≠ moisturizing.

Many rich and thick texture products add a lot of glial or mineral oil. So it shows visual moisturizing illusion. In fact, it is difficult to be absorbed by the skin and cannot add the necessary shrinking moisturizing energy.


Q3: Why do hyaluronic acid-containing products not moisturize?

Like hyaluronic acid, glycerol and other ingredients do have a moisturizing effect, but they play a role in the principle is to absorb moisture.

If the skin itself is very dry, or prolonged stay in the air-conditioned room and other dry environments. These ingredients will be difficult to play a role and even make the skin feel drier.


Q4: Feel dry After using moisturizing products

There are two reasons. Firstly, the product’s moisturizing effect failed. Moreover, the skin’s own moisturizing ability may be poor. Sebum film is not sound to lock moisture.

At this point, the first thing you need to do is to use the skincare products that have skin barrier repair to enhance your skin’s moisturizing function.


Q5: Can the mask improve skin Dryness?

Apply mask can use as an SOS emergency measures. However, if the skin’s own moisturizing function is poor, apply the mask is difficult to solve the problem. However, the improper use of mask may also cause other skin problems. Basic skin problems still need to solve!

Therefore, the most effective method that does not hurt the skin is to do a good job of repairing the skin barrier. For example, you can use some sensitive muscle-specific moisturizing products.


Q6: How to choose the suitable moisturizer?

The key cannot be ignored: the cycle of skincare

QBEKA Organic Plant Whitening Moisturizing Essence

With sensor-based moisturizing ingredients, even in low humidity environments, it can fight against the drying effect and maintain skin’s moisture

Use rose as the theme of aroma, making every day caring process more comfortable.

Has passed skin sensitivity test (but not mean that all people will not have an allergic reaction).