Why hair growth serum doesn’t work?

Scalp Care: What to do about hair loss?

Go to the doctor first!

Especially for sudden alopecia areata or sudden decrease in hair volume, don’t believe in any small remedies, go directly to the hospital to confirm whether you belong to seborrheic alopecia, hereditary alopecia, or hair loss caused by irregular work and rest recently;

For most of us ordinary people, it has not reached the level of alopecia areata, but the speed of hair loss is faster than before. Before, the elastic band of the ponytail could be wound twice, but now it is more than poked three times. This kind of time is far away Not to the extent of hair transplant, you can try the next hair growth essence to care your scalp.

For hair growth essence, many people complain that it doesn’t work, the main reasons are as follows:

The time taken is too short:

There is a cycle of hair growth. When one hair falls out, it does not mean that another hair will grow in succession, and it takes a certain period of preparation before new hair can emerge.

Under normal circumstances, some effects can be seen after using QBEKA for at least 15 days, and 3 months is the recommended course of treatment.


Insufficient or irregular dosage of Hair Growth Serum:

A lot of hair growth essences are used twice a day; they are all aimed at stimulating hair follicles to achieve hair growth. This stimulation is the same as fitness. It needs to be done on time and according to the amount. If you just think about it before you use it, the effect is not as good.


No essence dripped onto the scalp:

Hair Growth Essence is to be massaged onto the scalp, which is why some doctors recommend shaving the hair. In addition to staying up late, a greasy diet and mental stress are also very important for scalp care.


irresistible genetic influence:

Even the most effective minoxidil in hair growth is only 70% effective in many clinical trials. Even if you don’t feel the effect of hair growth at the same dose, it has something to do with everyone’s physique and drug resistance.

There is no 100% effective drug at all, and if it doesn’t work, you can consider adding other treatments.

Combing your hair with a comb, massaging your hair, using shampoo, and adding more B vitamins to your hair will be good for your scalp.

Try our highly effective hair growth essence, click on